April 1, 2005
“Blow-Down” in the Cypress Hills: Wind Farm Proposal Sparks Clash of Values
Wild Lands Advocate update, April 2005, by Shirley Bray 200504_AR_CH.pdf
Areas of Concern
April 1, 2005
Wild Lands Advocate update, April 2005, by Shirley Bray 200504_AR_CH.pdf
March 1, 2005
Cypress County Byelaw 2005/03, concerning provisions for the regulation of Wind Energy Facilities. 200503_Bylaw.pdf
February 1, 2005
Wild Lands Advocate update, February 2005, by Lara Smandych 200502_AR_CD.pdf
February 1, 2005
Wild Lands Advocate article, February 2005, by Shirley Bray 200502_AR_MRR.pdf