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AWA News Release: Alberta Halts Sale of Mineral Rights in Caribou Ranges

September 30, 2016

Release Date: September 30, 2016


Alberta Halts Sale of Mineral Rights in Caribou Ranges

Alberta Energy announced that effective September 27, 2016 an interim restriction has been placed on the sale of mineral rights within all caribou ranges in Alberta. The restriction applies to petroleum and natural gas, oil sands, coal and metallic and industrial mineral rights. Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) is pleased to learn of this action from Alberta Energy and trust that this reflects the petroleum industry’s commitment to restoring Alberta’s woodland caribou populations.

The announcement said the restriction is expected to remain in place until stringent operating practices have been defined. AWA is concerned about what “stringent operating practices” will mean on the ground. Clear surface disturbance limits need to be set that will enhance, not detract from, caribou recovery efforts.

AWA continues to have serious concerns about the activities of the forest products industry in Alberta’s caribou ranges. We urge Alberta Agriculture and Forestry to follow Alberta Energy’s decision with respect to the sale and renewal of forest tenures in Alberta’s caribou ranges. In the past AWA has suggested that all logging should be stopped in the Little Smoky / A La Peche herd ranges and forestry companies should share access to existing tenures outside of these ranges.

Alberta is mandated by federal law to complete plans that effectively protect caribou habitat by October 2017.



For more information:

Andrea Johancsik, Alberta Wilderness Association, (403) 283 2025



With rare exception cattle ranchers have been the best of guardians of the land entrusted to them. May we continue to be conscientious caretakers of this precious resource and hand it on to another generation unspoiled.
- Gerald Brewin, Rancher in the Taber area 1929 - 2016
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