AWA Feedback on the Sustainable Biomass Program Draft Regional Risk Assessment (RRA) for Alberta

December 4, 2024

On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) wrote to the Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) Secretariat to provide feedback on the Draft Regional Risk Assessment (hereafter “RRA”) for the province of Alberta, Canada, as part of the public consultation process ending on December 6, 2024.

SBP endorsed RRAs are used to identify, confirm, and mitigate risks associated with sustainably and legally sourcing feedstock of biomass pellet and wood chip production. The intent of this public consultation is to solicit additional feedback which may be incorporated into the RRA.

Our concerns with the RRA are summarized in the list below and outlined in greater detail in our letter.

Summary of concerns:

  1. Inadequate Regional Planning
  2. Fraudulent Forest Certifications
  3. Woodland Caribou Concerns
  4. Stakeholder Concerns

Due to the environmental risks and concerns listed above, AWA encourages SBP to reconsider whether biomass feedstock sourced from the supply base in Alberta can and/or should be certified as sustainable.

Alberta’s lack of land-use planning, the prevalence of SFI certifications, potential impacts to at-risk woodland caribou, and potential impacts to Indigenous Rights should be more than enough evidence against any claims about sustainable biomass feedstock production in Alberta.

AWA is grateful for the opportunity to provide feedback as part of this public consultation process, and we hope to see our comments and recommendations considered in the final version of SBP’s RRA for Alberta.

To read our submission in full, click the link below:


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