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AWA comments on Marguerite Lake Compressed Air Energy Storage Project

January 26, 2024

AWA commented on the Environmental Impact Assessment for Marguerite Lake Compressed Air Project, a proposed energy storage option using compressed air to operate turbines.

AWA supports a responsible transition to renewable energy, including the construction of energy storage systems important in maintaining a reliable electrical grid. Compressed air energy storage may be a long-lasting solution to energy storage, although the technology is still being developed. On reviewing the Initial Project Summary, we have concerns for the use of natural gas and hydrogen fuels, the impact to wetlands and pasture soils, and the long-term impact to Indigenous cultures.


Read AWA’s full letter here.

The love of wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth, the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only home we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need – if only we had the eyes to see.
- Edward Abbey
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