Adventures for Wilderness, Ricardo Ranch: Citizen Science Adventure – Apr. 29, 2023

April 29, 2023

Ten concerned citizens gathered at Ricardo Ranch in the extreme southeast part of Calgary to take part in the City Nature Challenge and record their observations on the diversity of life that is present in this small natural corner of the city.

What we found was a profusion of life. Our observations included a wood frog, mature cottonwood and willow, a marsh full of cattails, soaring eagles, ducks, and gulls. Perhaps most importantly, we observed approximately 10 great blue herons and their nests in tall cottonwood trees near the river and an had an unconfirmed sighting of a bank swallow near nest holes in the bank.

This is significant because this area is slated to become a new Calgary subdivision, despite the fact that the neighbourhood will be in the 1 in 100 year flood zone (and only because they are raising the ground level to be out of the in in 25 year zone). We believe this is not a smart decision for council. In addition to setting back Calgary’s climate commitments, we believe there is no way that this sensitive ecological area won’t be irreparably damaged. Despite the developer’s promises of setbacks and reserves, this development will have immense consequenses for the bank swallow and heron colonies here, as well as other species that depend on this habitat.

But you can help! Council is considering this development plan May 16. You can:

  • Email the mayor and city councillors — this development will affect places far outside of Ward 12 so the mayor and every councillor should hear what you think. The general contact form can be found here.
  • Submit your comments on the project. The submission form can be found here.
  • Sign up to speak — all Calgarians can speak for up to five minutes during public submissions. This can be done in person or over the phone here.

Visit our website for more information on Ricardo Ranch, the Logan Landing development, and what you can do.


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