Adventures for Wilderness, Mount Hoffmann Hike – Sep. 7, 2020
September 7, 2020
Text and Photos: Julie Docken
Led by Julie Docken
Leaving Bragg Creek with snow pounding down on labour day, we were not sure how many hardy Calgarians would show for our hike to Mt Hoffmann.
7 were waiting for us in Turner Valley at which point we decided to drive to the trailhead.
We lost 3 more folks in the parking lot due to weather, but the rest of us trudged the 1km to where the Hoffmann trail takes off the Green Mtn route.
2 more turned back and 5 of us went 1 more km to a meadow where in 5 inches of snow, it was decided to turn around before the steep climb began.
Sun came out on our return, and we were treated to stunning mountain views while walking west along the Sheep river before the next squall hit!
The day finished at the Fahr brewery in Turner Valley enjoying their excellent beer and the warm and friendly company of the 3 who stuck with us.