Adventures for Wilderness, Ice, Glaciers, Gravel and Oil: Cochrane North Field Trip – June 3, 2023
June 3, 2023
Text and photos: Grace Sutherland
Led by Tako Koning
This full-day field trip was a chance to explore the fascinating Northern Cochrane area with Tako Koning. We traveled from site to site to learn more about glacial geology, and the environmental impacts of gravel mining and oil-producing operations. We started off by visiting parts of the deeply eroded glacial meltwater channel that the Big Hill Creek flows through. Gerry Bietz, who is a part of the Bighill Creek Preservation Society, was kind enough to share his knowledge on the proposed Mountain Ash Gravel Mine and explained the negative impacts it will have on the environment.
After a busy morning, we relaxed in the shade, ate some lunch, and listened to the beautiful sounds of nature. It was hard to imagine that this amazing experience would not be possible if a gravel mine was built right beside our lunch spot. No calming sounds of the birds, trees, creek, or insects. We continued on with the field trip and learnt about the extraction of oil, along with its environmental impacts. As we visited each site, we met very nice people along the way. Farmers and ranchers kindly shared their stories about the land they work with every day.
It was great to see a group of all ages learning together and sharing their thoughts. The highlight of the trip was the breathtaking views, which are always the highlight in Alberta.