AWA Comments on Short-Horned Lizard Draft Federal Recovery Strategy

December 22, 2014

Today AWA submitted comments on the federal recovery strategy for the endangered greater short-horned lizard. Alberta’s only native lizard is a fascinating reptile that lives in coulees and badlands in southeast Alberta. It is threatened by habitat fragementation from agriculture, oil and gas development, and vehicle traffic.

AWA recommends that the strategy:
1. set a recovery-oriented goal to increase, not just retain, the area the lizards occupy;
2. require specific actions to recover habitat;
3. protect more lands needed for the lizards’ recovery; less than one percent of the Dry Mixedgrass natural subregion is now protected.
AWA also urges the Government of Canada to strengthen its communication with area landowners and leaseholders, and strengthen programs to bring more resources to communities wishing to help protect at-risk grassland habitats and species.

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