Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute and the Willmore Wilderness

February 16, 2013

Wild Lands Advocate article, December 2012, by Katie Rasmussen. The ABMI is an organization tasked with rapidly improving our knowledge of biological diversity in Alberta. This knowledge is an invaluable tool to use in the crafting of land-use planning and land management strategies. Rasmussen reports on some of the research being undertaken by the ABMI in the Willmore Wilderness Provincial Park.

“In collaboration with other groups, ABMI is engaged in the Willmore Biodiversity Research Project. The project focuses on understanding differences in species detection using different monitoring methods and how the ability to detect different species affects results of data collection, monitoring, and ultimately land-use planning and management decisions. The Willmore research project has already identified areas where research and monitoring need to be improved to fill data gaps. It also has provided valuable information about wildlife and rare habitats in the park and will continue to actively guide the management of the protected area.”

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